Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Food Blog Fail

I get bored. A lot. So in my free time I usually look up various food blogs to see what goodies I can make next. However, some blogs really should start including warning labels. For instance, some of the recipes posted on blogs will suck no matter how hard you try. You can follow the recipe exactly but no matter how hard you try, it will still fail. Yet suckers like me try the recipe out and find out several hours later "oh yeah that sucked".

The recipe I was supposed to try out was for a Blueberry cupcakes with an Almond ButterCream frosting. I thought because spring was in the air, or in Earth's case, global warming, I would try out a healthier cake recipe [healthy in the sense there was fruit involved].

After hours of slave labor, I finally finished the final product.

And then I tasted it... and it sucked.

It was so bad. Think of combining corn bread and a cardboard box together in cupcake form and that was what it tasted like. I'm a strong proponent of not wasting food so I thought my dogs might like it. 

I offered a cupcake to Charlie. He ran away in disgust.

Now, I thought my pug Bella would enjoy a snack considering she enjoys eating everything. She was not having it either.

When I knew my dogs weren't having it, I knew there was only one place these cupcakes deserved to go.... and that was in the trashcan. Such a Food Fail.

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